You are currently browsing the monthly archive for March 2008.




In case you hadn’t heard, Adobe now has a free online version of Photoshop.  I’ve just been messing around with it.  You can actually do some pretty cool stuff. 

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Happy Easter everyone! Today started early for us. Last night we got some eggs and candy for Lincoln….oh who am I kidding, for us, and headed to some friends this morning for an Easter breakfast and egg hunt. Ruby and Lincoln  didn’t quite have so much interest in finding them. I justed wanted the pictures. Later we went to church with a sugar high. Later we got together with more friends and had a huge Easter dinner. So….now i’m sitting here staring at this last bit of Lindt bunny and driving Jeff crazy. He just told me if I don’t eat it soon, he will have to put the bunny out of it’s misery. I’ll just see how crazy he gets. And yes….Jeff took the picture of the Lindt bunny below. He also loaded the pictures up on the blog, so I guess he wants all you to see it too. Cause we’re classy like that.

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 Yes, the buildings behind mom are on thier last leg.

While we were in Utah, we decided to go down to my late Grandma’s farm. I don’t know really what to say about it except that it was kind of sad and brought back a lot of memories for everyone. It will be sold soon so we wanted to take advantage of getting some pictures while we still could.  It made me want to get a farm so Lincoln can just go wild when he gets older. 



Family, Firplace and carpeting are the three things I miss most when I come back to Nashville. Yes…I miss the mountains too, I didn’t forget those. Oh, and the grid system.

So, Lincoln and I headed out to Utah right after our birthdays and spent almost 2 weeks out there. Jeff got to stay here and celebrate spring break by working. Lincoln got one more birthday party with Keaton and Zack, and I got a birthday dinner made by Alysha, to celebrate along with Brigon and Ethan (follow that?)  Lincoln of course had plenty of grounds to explore new things and make a lot of messes, not to mention all the extra attention he recieved. He Loooooooves his Grandpa.

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So You know how I told you about our surprise birthday present. Here is the proof! Jeff’s parents were on thier way down to El Paso and decided to stop by to see us. I don’t know when the next time this will happen again since my parents are from Utah, Jeff’s parents from Kentucky (I guess Texas now) and we are in Tennessee. But it was fun the whole wopping 10 minutes it lasted, since I had a primary activity to get to and Jeff’s parents had a fun 20 more hours of driving to do. Not sure what Lincoln is clapping about, but at least he’s clapping. He’s so darn cute.

About Us

Welcome to the Chugg blog, started by Jeff, written by Jeff & Chemenn and mostly decorated by pictures of Lincoln & Emmett. This was created for an easy way to keep in touch with friends and family from the coast of Seattle all the way to the Big Apple and everyone in between, right here in the heart of Memphis, Tennessee!


March 2008