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 Yay! Lost is on tonight! Finally! Does it seem like it’s been about 5 years to anyone else? I’m so excited. Probably not as excited as my husband, but i’m ranked pretty high. So I thought I would just put a summary on here of what has happened so far, but um……sorry folks. That’s one you’re going to have to figure out for yourselves. I can’t even remember from that picture posted who has died and who hasn’t. It’s been that long! I’ll update shortly after tonight.

 UPDATE: I won’t give away any spoilers for those who have not seen it out West. All I can say is that nothing is what it seems. That should be the new title. Or maybe “What the?”  So yes, there are even more questions that get unanswered. I have completely lost track of all the ones that haven’t been answered yet. There are a few sad scenes, few lovely ones, and a lot of confusing ones. Gosh I love this show. Or do I? ask me at the end of the season.


Here’s the little man and his new black eye! It doesn’t look as bad as it did yesterday. Poor kid, he just wanted to see the t.v. a little closer and the darn thing had to pick a fight! What 11 month old deserves that?

(click on pictures to enlarge)

11monthjan-050-s.jpg Granted we have a small, short table, it amazes me that he can now reach the top.

11monthjan-055-s.jpg He has 4 teeth coming in right now, so his fingers stay in his mouth a lot. He no longer sucks his thumb.

11monthjan-004-s.jpg Jeff likes to cuddle with him when he wakes up from his nap. He completely wraps him up in this blanket.

11monthjan-071-s.jpg He has discovered the bottom drawer full of plastic containers. This pictures shows his black eye a little better.


Here are a few more pictures I added of my  little family and my parent’s backyard. It was so beautiful. We even had some deer come down to visit. Lincoln loved that.



Here are some fun pictures taken over Christmas. It was so fun having the whole family together and all the grandkids. I know Grandma and Grandpa loved it.  We had a blast and it was a much needed break from school for Jeff. (even with all the snow) But I was happy to have a white Christmas. Those are hard to come by in Nashville. We were very spoiled with lots of great gifts, lots of goodies to eat and a fireplace to cuddle up to every night. sigh. But it’s good to be back in warmer weather and in our humble little home.

(click to enlarge)

christmas2007-213-s.jpgchristmas2007-192-s.jpgchristmas2007-174-s.jpg christmas2007-178-s.jpgchristmas2007-298-s.jpgchristmas2007-134-s.jpgchristmas2007-113-s.jpg christmas2007-099-s.jpgchristmas2007-250-s.jpgchristmas2007-066-s.jpgchristmas2007-319-s.jpgchristmas2007-095-s.jpgchristmas2007-086-s.jpgchristmas2007-080-s.jpgchristmas2007-068-s.jpgchristmas2007-374-s.jpgchristmas2007-255-s.jpgchristmas2007-288-s.jpg


Grammy, Popa & Aunt Emily came down to Nashville to celebrate Christmas. Lincoln was in Heaven with so many toys and new things to play with.  Jeff and I got our Christmas pajamas (which I’ve pretty much worn almost everyday until I leave the house) We got our Christmas ornaments from Granny and had a mini tree to decorate. I really should have taken a picture of that.




About Us

Welcome to the Chugg blog, started by Jeff, written by Jeff & Chemenn and mostly decorated by pictures of Lincoln & Emmett. This was created for an easy way to keep in touch with friends and family from the coast of Seattle all the way to the Big Apple and everyone in between, right here in the heart of Memphis, Tennessee!


January 2008